Monday, August 9, 2010

Helicopter Parenting-An Overview

Helicopter parenting is a style of parenting that is becoming more popular, but is it a better way to parent? You may be looking for an overview of helicopter parenting. Helicopter parenting-an overview-will help you to see what helicopter parenting is and what some of the advantages and disadvantages are.

Helicopter parenting is when parents are constantly interacting and many times interfering with their children's lives. They hover over their children like a helicopter. Some even call them Black Hawk parents like the helicopter used by the military.

Helicopter parents will make decisions for their children as to what extra curricular activities they do after school. Helicopter parents will get the child ready for practices, school and any event that happens in life. Some helicopter parents have been known to do their child's work so that their child can get the best grade, or score.

Helicopter parents have a constant connection with their children and the cell phone makes it even better for the helicopter parent. Many helicopter parents have a "best friend" relationship with their children. Helicopter parenting is having a constant concern that your kids are doing well and succeeding in everything they do. If this concern is not satisfied then a helicopter parent will interfere in the child's life.

Some advantages to helicopter parenting are that there is a close relationship between parent and child. Many parents like having a very close relationship with their child. The parent and child can call and talk to each other about anything and feel very comfortable with each other, even with friends around. This can happen without helicopter parenting, but many helicopter parents feel that it is more evident in the helicopter parenting style of parenting.

Helicopter parenting can enable parents to know what is going on in their child's life. This will extend into college and the child's professional life. Many parents like knowing what their children are doing and helicopter parenting allows them this comfort. This is because helicopter parenting gives the parents intense involvement in the lives of the children.

This involvement can also help parents to guide their kids and prevent the kids from repeating the parent's mistakes. Children of helicopter parents can be protected by their parents from making the same mistakes their parents did. The children may never know the exact mistake, but the helicopter parent hovering over them will prevent them from making the mistake.

Here is an overview of the disadvantages of helicopter parenting. Children become dependent on their parents longer into their life. Children of helicopter parents will depend on their parent's money, time and advice past their college years and into their professional careers. Some helicopter parents will write acceptance letters to colleges for their children. They will also want to be on the phone when their children talk to college administrators and teachers. Helicopter parents have even been known to pressure their children in salary negotiations as well as which job to take.

Helicopter parenting can develop into resentment between child and parent. If the helicopter parent is too pushy and doesn't let the child live the life he or she wants to, the child may resent the parent drastically and rebel. Many times helicopter parenting can force a child to do things or take paths in life that are only what the parent wants and not the child.

Helicopter parenting is when parents constantly hover over their children and control the lives their children lead. There are good aspects as well as bad aspects of helicopter parenting. Some of the good aspects are; a strong bond between parent and child can be formed, there is a good parental knowledge of child activities, and children can learn from parents' mistakes more assuredly. The bad side of helicopter parenting is that children become extremely dependent on their parents, and resentment may develop and cause major problems between parent and child.

For more details : Toy Helicopter, Toy Helicopter